Anglo-Saxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures

Published: 12/30/2019

We are all, no matter how little we like it, the bearers of unwanted and often shunned memory, of a history whose infiltrations are at times so stealthy we can pretend otherwise, and at times so loud we can’t hear much of anything else. We’re still here — there differently than those before us, but[…]

Reiner Schürmann and the Poetics of Politics


Published: 09/28/2018

Reiner Schürmann’s thinking is, as he himself would say, “riveted to a monstrous site.” It remains focused on and situated between natality and mortality, the ultimate traits that condition human life. This book traces the contours of Schürmann’s thinking in his magnum opus Broken Hegemonies in order to uncover the possibility of a politics that[…]

Noise Thinks the Anthropocene: An Experiment in Noise Poetics


Published: 02/13/2019

In an increasingly technologized and connected world, it seems as if noise must be increasing. Noise, however, is a complicated term with a complicated history. Noise can be traced through structures of power, theories of knowledge, communication, and scientific practice, as well as through questions of art, sound, and music. Thus, rather than assume that[…]

Trouble Songs: A Musicological Poetics

Published: 03/26/2018

Trouble Songs is a hybrid serial work that tracks the appearance of the word “trouble” in 20th- and 21st-century American music. It reads (and sings) songs and poems, with reference to cultural events ranging from the death of a pop singer to the growth of popular resistance movements. The trouble singer invokes the word “trouble” in[…]

Badiou Studies 5: Architheater

Published: 07/07/2017

The fifth volume of the Journal of Badiou Studies, “Architheater,” energized by the publication of Badiou’s Rhapsodie pour le théâtre (2014), knits together distinguished approaches to artistic production engaging with the work of Alain Badiou: ‘Engaging’ here means articulated positions that include, imply, or criticize the Badiouiesque corpus. The issue does not therefore seek to implement Badiou’s philosophical[…]

Philosophy for Militants


Published: 03/15/2017

My thinking is related to theology as blotting pad is related to ink. It is saturated with it. Were one to go by the blotter, however, nothing of what is written would remain. ~ Walter Benjamin “No longer imminent, the End is immanent.” “Ends are ends,” Frank Kermode goes on to clarify, “only when they[…]

Murder Ballads

Published: 06/27/2016

England, 1798. You buy a book of poems. An anonymous volume. You carry it home in your jacket pocket, set it on a table in your sitting room while you munch a midday meal of meat and bread. . . . In 1798, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were engaged in a top secret experiment. This was[…]

Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice


Published: 11/26/2015

Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice reunites the most part of the essays and articles produced between 2007 and 2015 by poet and artist Alessandro De Francesco. It shows what De Francesco himself affirms at a point in the last text of the book: that an artist can also be a theorist, and that[…]