Porno-Graphics and Porno-Tactics: Desire, Affect, and Representation in Pornography

Published: 05/26/2016

Porno-Graphics and Porno-Tactics asks whether, and how, it is possible to re-appropriate pornography and think through it critically and creatively for a project of liberation. In the different contributions which make up this deliberately heterogeneous collection of short, non-canonical essays, such a quest proceeds by re-articulating the aporias of desire, intimacy, touch and seduction. It also[…]

Queer Insists (for José Esteban Muñoz)


Published: 12/04/2014

Queer Insists is a memorial essay, a work of mourning, written for the queer theorist and performance scholar José Esteban Muñoz (1967-2013) shortly after his untimely death in December 2013. In a series of fragments, not unlike Roland Barthes’s Mourning Diary, Michael O’Rourke shares memories of Muñoz, the stories and reflections of his friends in[…]

continent. Year 1

Published: 12/12/2012

continent. maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, politics and art. continent. Year 1: A selection of issues 1.1-1.4 collects a variety of thoughts and tropes from the 2011 issues of continent., ranging from work on Greek poetry to deep brain recordings, from speculative[…]