Memoir American


Published: 04/28/2013

In the dead letter office, you will find a Memoir American. The texts which comprise it — forms of essay, talk, dialogue — at one time saw themselves as individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own. Now they are here, collected with the chance of going nowhere together. As it should[…]

Último día cada día

Published: 02/06/2013

This edition has been produced jointly with: FICUNAM (International Film Festival of the National Autonomous University of Mexico) Where is the film analysis today? What are you doing, in the dark, the theory of cinema? This field, as it has been professionally defined (at least in the Anglo-American academic world), is currently divided between historians[…]


Published: 07/18/2013

Repetitions / Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary [2 vols.] by Scott Abbott and Žarko Radaković (translation of portions of Repetitions by Ivana Djordjević; translation of Vampires by Alice Copple-Tošić) See Vol. 2: Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary HERE. In 1994, after following a character in Peter Handke’s novel Repetition into what is now Slovenia and after[…]

continent. Year 1

Published: 12/12/2012

continent. maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, politics and art. continent. Year 1: A selection of issues 1.1-1.4 collects a variety of thoughts and tropes from the 2011 issues of continent., ranging from work on Greek poetry to deep brain recordings, from speculative[…]



Published: 08/21/2012

Euripides wrote two plays called Hippolytus. In this, the second, he dramatized the tragic failure of perfection. This translation comes in two forms; the first presents a simulacrum of the text as it might have appeared in unprocessed form to a reader sometime shortly after Euripides’ death. The second processes the drama into the reduced but[…]

Truth and Fiction: Notes on (Exceptional) Faith in Art


Published: 05/25/2012

Reflecting upon his experience making his 2010 feature film Mothers, a cinematic triptych interweaving three narratives that are each, in their own way, about the often tenuous lines between truth and fiction, and one of which actually morphs into a documentary about the aftermath in a small Macedonian town where three retired cleaning women were[…]

A Neo Tropical Companion


Published: 01/26/2012

A Neo Tropical Companion is the first collection of haikus written by Xiu Xiu singer, Jamie Stewart. This is the first time his haikus, which have been featured in several literary journals and small press releases, will be comprehensively collected. Two thirds of the work will include new poems written for specifically for this book. The title, A Neo Tropical[…]

The Miracle of Saint Mina – Gis Miinan Nokkor


Published: 01/05/2012

The Miracle of Saint Mina is one of the core texts in the small corpus of texts written in Old Nubian, a Nilo-Saharan language spoken between the third and fourth cataract of the Nile river until about the fifteenth century, and written in an adaptation of the Coptic script. It is one of the oldest written[…]