

Published: 06/03/2015

Ballads uses the lyric form to explore the effects of global Capitalism from a sharp Marxist perspective. Recognizing the congruence between folk song circulation and the circulation of money, the “currency” of the ballad alongside supply-side economics, Owens hails Wordworth’s Lyric Ballads experiment (undertaken at the dawn of England’s Industrial Age) as one touchstone. But he also understands the built-in[…]

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 2


Published: 06/01/2015

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies offers a multi-disciplinary, diachronic view of all aspects of Nubian civilization. It brings to Nubian studies a new approach to scholarly knowledge: an open-access collaboration with DigitalCommons@Fairfield, an institutional repository of Fairfield University in Connecticut, USA, and open-access publishing house punctum books. The first two volumes of Dotawo have[…]

Oceanic New York

Published: 09/18/2015

This volume comprises a three-fold object, Book and Ocean and New York City. If this Book were Ocean, how would it feel between your fingers? Wet and slippery, just a bit warmer or colder than the air around it, since the Ocean is our planet’s greatest reservoir of heat, a sloshing insulator and incubator girdling[…]

Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg


Published: 04/09/2015

The work of L.O. Aranye Fradenburg, especially her psychoanalytic criticism of Chaucer, and her formulations of discontinuist historical approaches to the Middle Ages, has been extremely influential within medieval studies for the past 20 or so years. More recently she has been focusing on more broad defenses of the humanities, especially with regard to the[…]

Make and Let Die: Untimely Sovereignties

Published: 03/10/2016

This collection of essays by one of medieval studies’ most brilliant historians argues that the analysis and critique of biopower, as conventionally defined by Michel Foucault and then widely assumed in much contemporary theory of sovereignty, is a sovereign mode of temporalization caught up in the very time-machine it ostensibly seeks to expose and dismantle.[…]

Medieval Hackers

Published: 01/16/2015

Medieval Hackers calls attention to the use of certain vocabulary terms in the Middle Ages and today: commonness, openness, and freedom. Today we associate this language with computer hackers, some of whom believe that information, from literature to the code that makes up computer programs, should be much more accessible to the general public than[…]

The South Station Hoard: Imagining, Creating and Empowering Violent Remains

Published: 12/27/2014

This collaborative arts research project compares the landmark discovery of the Staffordshire Hoard, the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver metalwork discovered in 2009, with an imagined hoard from present day pre-adolescent girls. The collaborators constructed a subterranean installation, generated speculative historical documents, collected and embellished social networking “artifacts,” and photographed the entire process.[…]

In a Trance: On Paleo Art


Published: 11/13/2014

In a Trance is just the sort of genre-defying work we at Peanut and punctum and, as it happens, Jeffrey Skoblow, revel in. It is a book-length essay by a fiction writer. It is a fictional essay by a literary scholar. It is a gallant assay by a smart man who thinks while he walks,[…]