A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


In this lyric memoir, Seo-Young Chu experiments with using literary fugues to explore the literal and figurative “fugue states” — from spells of incantatory writing to oneiric re-namings of the self — in which she has found refuge from abuse, intergenerational distress, and rape trauma. The voices animating the fugues in A Refuge for Jae-in[…]

Signs of the Great Refusal: The Coming Struggle for a Postwork Society

Published: 12/07/2023

In recent years, developed countries have seen the rise of discussions concerning “the problem with work today.” Since this literature tends to reflect the frustrations of the professional–managerial class (as well as other workers in globalized services industries in the digital age), it is often at a significant distance from the concerns of the organized[…]

The Dark Posthuman: Dehumanization, Technology, and the Atlantic World

Published: 09/22/2022

The Dark Posthuman: Dehumanization, Technology, and the Atlantic World explores how liberal humanism first enlivened, racialized, and gendered global cartographies, and how memory, ancestry, expression, and other aspects of social identity founded in its theories and practices made for the advent of the category of the posthuman through the dimensions of cultural, geographic, political, social,[…]

Siting Futurity: The “Feel Good” Tactical Radicalism of Contemporary Culture in and around Vienna

Published: 05/06/2021

Siting Futurity: The “Feel Good” Tactical Radicalism of Contemporary Culture in and around Vienna shows how cultural practitioners in and around Vienna draw on their historical knowledge of locality to create rousing productions designed to get audiences to inform themselves about useful aspects of history, to get them to engage their presents, and to help[…]

Desire/Love (2nd edn.)



“There is nothing more alienating than having your pleasures disputed by someone with a theory,” writes Lauren Berlant in this volume. Yet the ways in which we live sexuality and intimacy have been profoundly shaped by theories — especially psychoanalytic ones, which have helped to place sexuality and desire at the center of the modern[…]