Philosophy for Militants


Published: 03/15/2017

My thinking is related to theology as blotting pad is related to ink. It is saturated with it. Were one to go by the blotter, however, nothing of what is written would remain. ~ Walter Benjamin “No longer imminent, the End is immanent.” “Ends are ends,” Frank Kermode goes on to clarify, “only when they[…]



Published: 02/15/2015

“Mais où sont les neiges d’antan?” François Villon’s most famous line is a kind of translation, a variation of the old “ubi sunt” trope: Where are the things that used to be? But Villon specifically asks: Where are the snows? Even in the thick of a snowy winter, this snow is not the same as[…]

Medieval Hackers

Published: 01/16/2015

Medieval Hackers calls attention to the use of certain vocabulary terms in the Middle Ages and today: commonness, openness, and freedom. Today we associate this language with computer hackers, some of whom believe that information, from literature to the code that makes up computer programs, should be much more accessible to the general public than[…]

A Boy Asleep Under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna

Published: 11/11/2014

Peter Valente’s first encounter with Sandro Penna’s poetry was while translating Pier Paolo Pasolini. At the time, Valente was reading a biography on Pasolini and learned of his close friendship with Penna. Pasolini insisted that among serious readers of poetry, Penna could not be ignored. Born in Perugia on June 12, 1906, Sandro Penna lived[…]

Memoir American


Published: 04/28/2013

In the dead letter office, you will find a Memoir American. The texts which comprise it — forms of essay, talk, dialogue — at one time saw themselves as individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own. Now they are here, collected with the chance of going nowhere together. As it should[…]


Published: 07/18/2013

Repetitions / Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary [2 vols.] by Scott Abbott and Žarko Radaković (translation of portions of Repetitions by Ivana Djordjević; translation of Vampires by Alice Copple-Tošić) See Vol. 2: Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary HERE. In 1994, after following a character in Peter Handke’s novel Repetition into what is now Slovenia and after[…]

Beowulf: A Translation

Published: 08/25/2012

See reviews of Thomas Meyer’s Beowulf: Make Magazine, thecohort@marco, Nomadics, The Medieval Review, H_NGM_N, and Glasgow Review of Books Many modern Beowulf translations, while excellent in their own ways, suffer from what Kathleen Biddick might call “melancholy” for an oral and aural way of poetic making. By and large, they tend to preserve certain familiar[…]