Atlas of Petromodernity

Published: 07/05/2024

The Atlas of Petromodernity is many things in one: historical and geographical non-fiction, cultural theory essay, and picture book. In forty-four short essays, inspired by an equal amount of pictorial findings, Klose and Steininger develop a technical, geographical, political, and speculative panorama of the declining era of petroleum modernity. The authors stroll through Baku, Rotterdam,[…]

The Social Properties of Concrete


Concrete is a ubiquitous part of our world. It composes our dwellings and shapes our infrastructures. It unites and divides urban space and is used to wage both war and peace. Concrete is simultaneously an indicator of freedom and development and is an essential part of the carceral apparatus. The Social Properties of Concrete begins[…]

Anglo-Saxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures

Published: 12/30/2019

We are all, no matter how little we like it, the bearers of unwanted and often shunned memory, of a history whose infiltrations are at times so stealthy we can pretend otherwise, and at times so loud we can’t hear much of anything else. We’re still here — there differently than those before us, but[…]

A Case Study in Scholar-Led Open Access Publishing & A Mini-Manifesto for the Minor Humanities

by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei NOTE: The text of this blog post was originally presented as a lecture at University of California, Santa Barbara Library on May 8, 2018, under the title “Nubian Studies: A Case Study in Scholar-Led Open Access Publishing.” Follow more of Vincent’s work on Old Nubian via Twitter @ontakragoueke. I[…]

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 3


Published: 08/11/2016

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies offers a platform in which the old meets the new, in which archaeological, papyrological, and philological research into Meroitic, Old Nubian, Coptic, Greek, and Arabic sources confront current investigations in modern anthropology and ethnography, Nilo-Saharan linguistics, and critical and theoretical approaches present in post-colonial and African studies. Dotawo gives[…]

The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri


Published: 11/22/2016

The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri is the first publication in the Dotawo: Monographs series. It presents heretofore unpublished material: an edition of a series of manuscripts discovered during the Aswan High Dam campaign at the site of Attiri, a rocky island in the Batn el-Hajjar region in Sudan, and does so in an innovative way,[…]

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 2


Published: 06/01/2015

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies offers a multi-disciplinary, diachronic view of all aspects of Nubian civilization. It brings to Nubian studies a new approach to scholarly knowledge: an open-access collaboration with DigitalCommons@Fairfield, an institutional repository of Fairfield University in Connecticut, USA, and open-access publishing house punctum books. The first two volumes of Dotawo have[…]

In a Trance: On Paleo Art


Published: 11/13/2014

In a Trance is just the sort of genre-defying work we at Peanut and punctum and, as it happens, Jeffrey Skoblow, revel in. It is a book-length essay by a fiction writer. It is a fictional essay by a literary scholar. It is a gallant assay by a smart man who thinks while he walks,[…]