Recovering the Radical Promise of Superheroes: Un/Making Worlds

Published: 08/24/2023

Superhero meaning making is a site of struggle. Superheroes (are thought to) trouble borders and normative ways of seeing and being in the world. Superhero narratives (are thought to) represent, and thereby inspire, alternative visions of the real world. The superhero genre is (thought to be) a repository for radical or progressive ideas. In the[…]

Queer Communal Kinship Now!

Published: 03/30/2023

Queer communal kinship is a long overdue replacement for the naturalized model of the modern western family; a post-capitalist regime of social reproduction, aiming for redistributive justice through the politics of pleasure; a timely proposal for the demise of possessive and accumulative ideology, and the upsurge of a counter-imaginary; a manifesto for the collectivization of[…]

A Credible Utopia: Essays on Selected Films of Werner Schroeter

Published: 09/08/2022

A Credible Utopia: Essays on Selected Films of Werner Schroeter offers unique and personal insights into Schroeter’s cinematic universe. Many of the films discussed in this book are those upon which Schroeter’s worldwide reputation rests: Der Bomberpilot, an absurdist comedy; The Death of Maria Malibran, a film about ecstatic redemption in death; Willow Springs, about[…]

Philosophy for Militants


Published: 03/15/2017

My thinking is related to theology as blotting pad is related to ink. It is saturated with it. Were one to go by the blotter, however, nothing of what is written would remain. ~ Walter Benjamin “No longer imminent, the End is immanent.” “Ends are ends,” Frank Kermode goes on to clarify, “only when they[…]

Queer Insists (for José Esteban Muñoz)


Published: 12/04/2014

Queer Insists is a memorial essay, a work of mourning, written for the queer theorist and performance scholar José Esteban Muñoz (1967-2013) shortly after his untimely death in December 2013. In a series of fragments, not unlike Roland Barthes’s Mourning Diary, Michael O’Rourke shares memories of Muñoz, the stories and reflections of his friends in[…]

Having a Coke With You: For José Esteban Munoz (1966-2013)

by D. Gilson The first thing José Muñoz said to me: You’re a poet? That’s precious. In a queer theory seminar, I had fallen in love with his book, Cruising Utopia, and professed as much on Facebook. We started corresponding about the many things we both loved: Frank O’Hara, chiefly, but also Andy Warhol, the[…]

The Funambulist Papers, Volume 1


Published: 10/23/2013

This book is a collection of thirty-five texts from the first series of guest writers’ essays, written specifically for The Funambulist weblog from June 2011 to November 2012. The idea of complementing Lambert’s own texts on his blog with those written by others originated from the idea that having friends communicate with each other about[…]

The Funambulist Pamphlets 2: Foucault


Published: 06/17/2013

The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The eleven volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins,[…]