Catalogue All/Anthropocene/Art+Aesthetics/Autotheory/Built Environments/Capital+Lucre/Cultural Studies+Critical Theory/Fabulations/History/Humanities+University/Languages+Translations/Literary Studies/Manifesto!/Media+Technology/Moving Image/Neurodiversity/New Left Thought/Para-Academia/Pedagogies/Philosophy/Posthumanism/Premodern/Sex/Sound+Noise/Speculative Thought/Thought Experiments/TransQueer My Phone Lies to Me: Fake News Poetry Workshops As Radical Digital Media Literacy Given the Fact of Fake News Out of Place: Artists, Pedagogy, and Purpose A Nuclear Refrain: Emotion, Empire, and the Democratic Potential of Protest Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 2: The Anti-capitalist Sublime CMOK to YOu To Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 1: Radical Scholarship Ravish the Republic Weaponising Speculation Burn After Reading Pedagogies of Disaster