
The Before and the After: Critical Asynchrony Now

Jorge Luis Borges: At Play with Mental Models of the World

Janky Materiality: Artifice & Interface

100 Chinese Silences

Voices from Nubia: Critical Essays on Contemporary Nubian Literature from Egypt

The Presence of Absence: Meditations on the Unsayable in Writing

The Mediterranean Question

“FOLLOW THE PERSON”: Archival Encounters

Echo Otherwise: A Poetics of Sound and Loss in Ancient and Contemporary Poetry

In Defense of Don Giovanni: A Feminist Mythobiography

Continuum 2: Writings – Scritti – Écrits, 2015–2022

Crossings: Migrant Knowledges, Migrant Forms

Xenoflesh: Vegan Poetics and Capitalocene Meat

Dancing with Philoctetes: Reflections on Pain and Remembrance

Evil Twins and the Ultimate Insight: Ayn Rand, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Polarized Politics of Reading

Recovering the Radical Promise of Superheroes: Un/Making Worlds

Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies 2

paq’batlh: The Klingon Epic (2nd edn.)

Resistant Form: Aristophanes and the Comedy of Crisis

The(y)ology: Mythopoetics for Queer/Trans Liberation

Fascism, Vulnerability, and the Escape from Freedom: Readings to Repair Democracy

About That Life: Barry Lopez and the Art of Community

Nothing As We Need It

Something More Splendid Than Two

The Angels Won’t Help You

Chaucer’s Comic Providence

Pitch and Revelation: Reconfigurations of Reading, Poetry, and Philosophy through the Work of Jay Wright

Queer and Bookish: Eve Kosofksy Sedgwick as Book Artist

Geographies of Identity: Narrative Forms, Feminist Futures

Wound Building: Dispatches from the Latest Disasters in UK Poetry