
Speculations VI

Homotopia? Gay Identity, Sameness & the Politics of Desire

Solar Calendar, and Other Ways of Marking Time

Writing Art

Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice

The Jews

Ardea: A Philosophical Novella

Extraterritorialities in Occupied Worlds

Destroyer of Naivetés

Posthuman Lear: Reading Shakespeare in the Anthropocene

Chaste Cinematics

The Critique of Digital Capitalism: An Analysis of the Political Economy of Digital Culture and Technology

MATCHES: A Light Book

Humid, All Too Humid: Overheated Observations

How We Write: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blank Page

Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics

Workers Leaving the Studio. Looking Away from Socialist Realism.

History According to Cattle

New Developments in Anarchist Studies


Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 1: Radical Scholarship

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 2

Image Photograph

Helvete 2: With Head Downwards: Inversions in Black Metal

Oceanic New York

The Funambulist Papers, Volume 2

Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg

mythomaniaS: Crime Scenes & Psycho Case Studies

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