
An Unspecific Dog: Artifacts of This Late Stage in History

As If: Essays in As You Like It

Walk on the Beach: Things from the Sea, Volume 1

The Retro-Futurism of Cuteness

The Republic of Cthulhu: Lovecraft, the Weird Tale, and Conspiracy Theory

Photography in the Middle: Dispatches on Media Ecologies and Aesthetics

The Pedagogics of Unlearning

Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 2: The Anti-capitalist Sublime

Topie Impitoyable: The Corporeal Politics of the Cloth, the Wall, and the Street

Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 3

After the “Speculative Turn”: Realism, Philosophy, and Feminism

Thoughtrave: An Interdimensional Conversation with Lady Gaga

Porno-Graphics and Porno-Tactics: Desire, Affect, and Representation in Pornography

The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri

Why the Center Can’t Hold: A Diagnosis of Puritanized America

CMOK to YOu To

And Another Thing: Nonanthropocentrism and Art

Bigger Than You: Big Data and Obesity

More&More (The Invisible Oceans)

More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System)

Remote Vision (poetry 1999–2015)

Object Oriented Environs

A Reference Grammar of Kunuz Nubian

Rumba under Fire: The Arts of Survival from West Point to Delhi

The Digital Dionysus: Nietzsche and the Network-Centric Condition

Speculations VI

Homotopia? Gay Identity, Sameness & the Politics of Desire

Solar Calendar, and Other Ways of Marking Time

Writing Art

Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice